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Home / Course Eligibility Criteria

In the broadest sense, providing you are over 18, can understand the subject, are reasonably fluent in English, have no medical or mental health issues that would impair your ability to learn to be a therapist, are of good character and have a genuine and deep-seated desire to help others then you are likely to be a good candidate for the course and will be accepted.

Please pay attention to the following important information, as well as our Course Criteria below.

  • As part of our Quality Standards, the College interviews about 30% of applicants either over the phone or in person to ensure that this is the right course for that individual and to answer any questions about the course suitability in more depth.
  • The course is an intensive learning environment and will involve, for most, some amount of personal growth. It can be challenging emotionally as well as intellectually.  Moreover, much of the course work is done in pairs or as group discussion. Your ability to participate in a helpful way as therapist or client, or as a member of a group discussion, is paramount – as this will strongly impact not only your experience but also the experience of others.
  • Above all we wish to create a caring, supportive and engaging learning environment. You may want to read the Classroom Agreements before proceeding.

Course Criteria

  • Educational Level: trainees should be able to study comfortably at an educational level equivalent to 1st year undergraduate level (Level 4) – i.e. just above A-levels, although trainees are not required to have any previous training or experience in a therapy related subject. 
  • Trainees must be aged 18 or over.
  • Trainees should have no history of criminal convictions or sanctions by professional organisations which might reflect upon their suitability to practice as a therapist.
  • Trainees should be sufficiently fluent in spoken English to engage with English-speaking clients.
  • Trainees must be in suitable mental health for training, e.g. without a history of psychotic symptoms or current mental health problems. 
  • We ask that trainees are open to new information and have a learning attitude. 
  • Trainees should have genuine motivation to learn and help others.

Attendance on each stage of the course and receiving the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is at the discretion of the College

Acceptance on to the Stage 1 course is at the discretion of the College, and on-going course attendance onto each day of the course and further acceptance onto Stages 1 and 2 is also at the College’s discretion. Trainees who are not able to engage in partner work, are fractious or cause dissension in the group may be asked to leave the course at any given time.

Attendance in the entire course also does not imply that you are eligible to continue with the written assessment to gain the qualification and become a registered hypnotherapist. If the College does not feel you are suitably ready to become a therapist you will be encouraged to proceed with further self-development or training before completing the written assessment.